Friday, July 22, 2011

12th : The end of an era......

Its been almost an year since my last am back writing on.......

Something that I missed in my previous blog about a very good friend Gurbani who is not only very sweet but also a great poetess. In fact we started interacting only because of our common interest and skill of writing poems. I posted one on a community on orkut and she scrapped me with reference to it. Then with time and interaction we became great friends. Gurbani wrote some amazing poems and I still believe she has a great talent. We both used to chat quite a lot during the 11th and 12th time period but that unfortunately got stuck somewhere during college time. I had the chance of meeting her at the end of 2009 but more on that later.

12th class well wasn't that special as I thought it would be. After what I had gone through in that one month period was like torture and so the day I went back to my class it felt different. I had a strange feeling, a feeling of revenge. Not many people were happy to see me return. Some who were were my good friends.
12th is a big class.....last year of school.....board exams......AIEEE etc. It was quite obvious that it was not gonna be easy with all the pressure of studies and with it some emotional imbalance. You know liking some one is a very bad thing at times. You don't see any thing and just walk down a path which is unknown. I was already not doing great in my studies and adding to my woes was my liking towards Komal. I was naive and thought it was more than just liking. We both used to chat every night mostly. Each time she shared her problems with me, I thought am becoming an important person in her life. Never saw it coming that those problems were so so unreal and fake. I mean seriously when I saw her I used to think of her as a simple and polite girl. What I never saw was the psychotic problem with her of sympathy gaining using made-up instances. She even went ahead to say that she is a heart patient and won't live long enough to make it to college. And I like a big dumb person believed her.
She never stopped making up stories. There was a time when I understood that she is faking it all up as it was not at all possible. But dipped in my attraction I believed she'll change and put an end to her stories.

One bad thing with me was that I never listened to my friends' advice, whether it was my friend Soheb warning me about Komal or Komal herself saying that I should not be getting into these things. I should've seen what Soheb was trying to show me about Komal.

While these things were going on school life was going fine. I was trying not to repeat my previous performances but the results still were not great. One things I did this time was not to miss tutions and I guess that's what made me cross the line in the end.
In school I used to be fun with friends. And it was like a repeated telecast of 11th with couples sitting together and me waiting to catch a glimpse of Komal in the recess. I was suffering from 'First timer's syndrome' which I discovered in college. It was the first time I was attracted towards a girl and so the level was quite high. In classes I used to pay attention and study with equal doses of fun.
Also in 12th played football after a long time and saw the return of my sliding capability. It was great fun. My last few football matches and I was not bad.

After school and tutions was the time I still cherish a lot. Nescafe or Solani, it always was great to spend some time there. It was mostly this time of the day that I used to feel very light and relaxed. Out with Soheb as Sharma had gone to Delhi and Tanmeya too went to college. So it used to be Soheb and me going around the streets of Roorkee. When it used to rain we used to go out for a ride on the long road besides Solani river. I know it didn't do great for my marks but those moments made me alive.

Nights used to begin with work out and end with chatting online. Also used to talk to Sharma quite regularly. I stayed most connected with Soheb, Sharma and Komal during this time.
Talking to Komal made me happy which used to be short lived everyday as she had a bundle of fake despairing incidents to share.
Also during 12th I became friends with Anshul Saini. Soheb, Saini and myself used to go out tripling at time but that happened quite rarely.

On 29th Sept. as I remember I proposed to Komal while chatting on the net. Well she denied and we continued talking as friends. Chatting everyday I thought she has started to understand me but that proved wrong in the later run. Also there were incidents with some fake ids by the name of suyash which as Komal said used to send her vulgar e-mails. I tried to sort it out but while doing that I noticed that those e-mails were written in a fashion resembling to the way Utkarsh talks. I knew it was just someone trying to cause a ridge b/w our friendship.

Now after the pre-boards it was the time for the much awaited Farewell. The Farewell went fine and the after party sucked at some level. Everyone was looking great and it was something I had waited for. I still remember I got there with Soheb and Anuj. When we reached there the principle Bro. George was livid for us being so late. Something that had happened before too. But in the end all went well. Lots of photos were clicked and the performances were good. Shashank's poem was extra-ordinary.
Soheb, Saini and myself got together after the farewell and made a compilation of all the pictures and videos of the farewell from everyone. We made DVDs and distributed them to as many people we could. It was a nice complilation and even though I had a part to play in the compilation, I for now don't have those pics.
Then came the Boards practicals which went fine.....u know the thing with practicals. After that some of the students including me had to give a second pre-boards as the first didn't go well for us. The second one went good and we were now looking at board exams.
It was Feb and in in lies some vicious days known by the name of Valentine week.
3 days before Valentine's day Komal told me that all the wrong going on with her life has finally sorted out and so I also started to believe that finally the stories have ended. I was very happy that now at least we will have more to talk than to console her for unrealistic problems like her grand parents trying to kill her and all that. Also that day she told me that a guy from School Shantanu has proposed her and she said no. On Valentine's day I did the same and answer was the same. I got ok with it and well started preparing for boards.
Now on 26th Feb, Komal's friend Upasana told me that Komal also has feelings for me and wanted to chat tonight. So I was very excited and was eagerly waiting.
It was past midnight when she told me that she Love me and boy I can't express what it meant for me. 2 years I've been waiting for this moment and it was finally there. It was like a dream and am very thankful to Komal for providing me that short moment of happiness. Amazing it is when you get something you have dreamt about.

Boards began from 1st March with Chemistry exam......don't really remember how well it went. Boards went fine with the dreaded physics exam. Few things happened before that exam too.
Boards finally ended and I joined coaching at Aakash institute in Dehradun. It was a crash course for preparation for AIEEE and JEE. I used to talk to Komal every day now and that time used to be the best time of the day for me.

12th went just fine for me. Soheb and Sharma became the best support for me. Komal became an important part and by the end of 12th I started thinking am living a fairytale. It was the best ending to that class as I thought. Never thought that what lied ahead was equally ugly.
Life had been pretty normal but now the twists and turns have started which help me build emotionally a lot. There were good times and now was time for the bad ones.
But all that in the next post.
Till then take care.

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